Tag Archives: revolution

Smell INC Salutes: Fragrance Free Places

Smell INC. applauds those businesses, workplaces, and cities  that promote a healthy environment for all by limiting the use of fragrances.

These places promote a form of fragrance free environments. Let’s support them and  please encourage more to join the revolution.

  • City of Detroit workplace
  • New York City Health Department
  • Tuttle, Oklahoma City Hall
  • Portland Oregon City workers
  • Harrison Medical Center in Bremerton, Washington
  • Jefferson City Missouri’s Parks and Recreation Department
  • Windom Area Hospital in Windom, Minnesota

Those of us with allergies, migraines, asthma, and multiple chemical sensitivity thank you!

If you know of another place that should make our list, please let us know.

My fragrance free revolution begins…. smellinc, the perfuming of America blog

Going out in public can be a challenge for me. The person standing in line behind me can cause a tingling sensation in my brain. Hours later that feeling leads to a debilitating headache. I suffer from Migraine headaches and my main trigger is fragrances.

I hate this condition. It’s so awkward to request that a coworker or a new friend not wear that perfume or use that shampoo or that body lotion when they are going to be around me. I feel so imposing. I often do not speak out when I should because I do not want to make others feel uncomfortable. I am working on being more assertive.

When I explain my condition, I get a bunch of different reactions. There’s the “yeah, yeah, yeah, she’s over exaggerating” look. I  loathe drama and I promise you I’m not. The “I really do not understand her issue” confused look. My issue is neurological and not allergies. The “oh geez, is she saying I smell bad?” horrified look. It’s not that I find the smell of your lotion unpleasant, it’s that my brain has some sort of chemical reaction to it.

Our society embraces fragrances. There are everywhere. It is nearly impossible for me to escape. Fragrances are pumped through stores, they are in laundry products, make-up, soaps and cleaning products.

I am starting this blog to create awareness of my issues with fragrances. I hope others will join me and share their issues too. I will also be posting tidbits about scents and our society’s obsession with them.

Please be a part of the fragrance free revolution.